Published inDevOps.devHow to implement CI/CD in your Rails application with GitHub ActionsGitHub Actions is a Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) platform that allows you to automate your build, test, and…Oct 19, 20242Oct 19, 20242
Published inNerd For TechHow to use Pinia in Vue applicationPinia is a store library for Vue, it allows you to share a state across components/pages. Pinia is going to replace Vuex. It removes the…Oct 19, 2024Oct 19, 2024
Published inNerd For TechUsing Ruby Gem — Ruby OpenAI to play OpenAIThe OpenAI API provides a simple interface to state-of-the-art AI models for natural language processing, image generation, semantic…Oct 19, 2024Oct 19, 2024
Published inNerd For TechGet Rails data in Vue component without calling API : a use case in Vue-Rails applicationUsually, if frontend needs backend data, it will call API to get the data, but if in a rails application in which the frontend framework…Sep 29, 20243Sep 29, 20243
Published inNerd For TechUsing Leaflet to build a map in your Vue componentLeaflet is a leading open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps. The way to use Leaflet in Vue components is…Sep 29, 2024Sep 29, 2024
Published inDevOps.devThe things to know when deploying your web application to is a public cloud built for developers to launch their applications. The process of the deployment is to build a docker image…Sep 25, 20243Sep 25, 20243
Published inNerd For TechSome tips for integrating third-party API services in web applicationIntegrating third-party services in a side project or company web application is a common task for most developers. This article lists some…Jul 22, 2024Jul 22, 2024
Published inNerd For TechCode performance and load testingI used to mess up code performance and load testing because I thought they are similar, but actually not, so I write this article to…Jan 3, 20236Jan 3, 20236
Published inNerd For TechGolang: Build a simple web server and interact with itGolang is an open-source programming language supported by Google. It is famous for its powerful performance, and it also provides many…Nov 27, 20224Nov 27, 20224
Published inNerd For TechGolang: Testing function in a simple web server projectTesting is important when building a software project. In Golang, there are some packages really useful when doing the unit tests for the…Nov 27, 2022Nov 27, 2022
Published inNerd For TechApply Continuous Integration for Ruby project by using CircleCIMost software developers might have experienced this kind of situation: The more members involved in the software project, the more chance…Jun 21, 2022Jun 21, 2022
Published inNerd For TechRuby on Rails: Using Tempfile and Fog-AWS Gem to read excel files saved in AWS S3AWS S3(AWS Simple Storage Service) has become a popular cloud service for people to store objects like files or images. It is more likely…Jul 17, 2021Jul 17, 2021
Published inNerd For TechUsing Vue Test Utils with Jest to test Vue.js under Webpacker in RailsWhen it comes to testing for Ruby on Rails project, RSpec must be the most common tool that people would implement. By using RSpec, we…Jun 14, 2021Jun 14, 2021
Ruby on Rails: Using table_name_prefix and namespace to organize modelsWhen selecting record from model in rails, if no specific setting, Rails will directly use the plurals of model name as the table name to…May 30, 2021May 30, 2021
Ruby on Rails: Using Capistrano to deploy application and run custom taskSometimes we need to deploy our rails application to different stages(staging or production environment)which probably are remote machines…May 12, 2021May 12, 2021
Ruby on Rails: Sort Array Records By Enum ValueSometimes we might need to order records by their attribute value. If using Ruby on Rails Active Record, we could apply Active Record…Dec 31, 2020Dec 31, 2020
Ruby on Rails:善用enum及human_attribute_name方法印出易讀的下拉選單內容本篇文章包含四個部分:ActiveRecord::Enum說明及使用、human_attribute_name說明及使用、製作易讀的下拉選單、創建model共用模組印出選單選項,以下為詳細內容。Oct 13, 2020Oct 13, 2020
使用Google Map API(Directions Service)獲取及顯示最佳路徑之前文章有介紹過如何使用Google Map API(Geocoding API, Distance Matrix Service)去取得點位縣市鄉鎮資訊或是兩點之間的距離及移動所需時間資訊(有興趣可以看這兩篇: Geocoding API, Distance Matrix…Oct 4, 2020Oct 4, 2020
運用Google Map API(Distance Matrix Service)取得旅程時間及距離有在使用Google map的人想必很常會用來預先參考要去的地方大概要花多久時間到達,或是尋找自己鄰近的餐廳或咖啡廳等等,Google map提供的搜尋最短路徑或是旅程預估等功能,真的超級好用,Google也提供了這些功能的API — Google Map…Mar 12, 20201Mar 12, 20201